
TurboDebt: Your Financial Savior or Just Another Debt Trap?

Hey there, NYC debt warriors! It’s your friendly neighborhood legal eagles at Spodek Law Group, and boy, do we have a doozy of a topic for you today. We’re gonna dive into the wild world of TurboDebt – you know, that debt settlement company that’s been plastering ads all over the subway lately. (Seriously, has anyone else noticed they’re EVERYWHERE? It’s like they’re stalking us or something…)

What the heck is TurboDebt, anyway?

TurboDebt is one of those debt settlement companies that promises to swoop in and save your financial butt. They claim they can negotiate with your creditors and potentially reduce your debt. Sounds pretty sweet, right? I mean, who wouldn’t want to pay less than they owe? It’s like finding a 2-for-1 happy hour deal, but for your LIFE.

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But here’s where things get messy. And I mean messy like Times Square on New Year’s Eve. (Shudder. Been there, done that, got the overpriced t-shirt.)

How TurboDebt supposedly works:

  1. You stop paying your creditors (which feels wrong, but okay…)
  2. Instead, you squirrel away cash into a seperate account (yes, I know I spelled “separate” wrong, but let’s be real, spelling was never my strong suit)
  3. Once you’ve saved up enough, TurboDebt starts wheeling and dealing with your creditors
  4. If all goes well, you end up paying less than you originally owed
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Sounds pretty straightforward, right? But as my Grandma Esther used to say, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” (She also used to say “Don’t eat yellow snow,” but that’s… not really relevant here.)

The Good, the Bad, and the “Oh No You Didn’t”

Pros of TurboDebt (because we gotta be fair here):

  • Potentially reduce your debt (woohoo!)
  • One monthly payment instead of juggling a bazillion bills
  • Professional negotiators in your corner (like having a financial bodyguard)

Cons of TurboDebt (and this is where it gets real):

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  • Your credit score’s gonna take a nosedive (we’re talking Titanic levels here, folks)
  • No guarantee that creditors will play ball
  • You might owe taxes on forgiven debt (surprise! The IRS always wants their cut)
  • Fees that’ll make your wallet cry

Let’s Talk Numbers (Warning: Math Ahead)

Okay, so let’s say you’re $30,000 in the hole with credit card debt. TurboDebt might promise to settle that for 50% or less. Sounds great, but don’t forget their fees, which are typically 15-25% of the enrolled debt. So, best-case scenario:

Item Amount
Original debt $30,000
Settled amount $15,000
TurboDebt fee (20%) $6,000
Total cost to you $21,000

You save $9,000, which ain’t too shabby. But remember, your credit score’s gonna look like it went through a paper shredder. And let’s not forget about potential tax implications. According to 26 U.S.C. § 61(a)(12), cancelled debt is generally considered taxable income. So, you might be trading one debt for another. Fun times, right?

Real Talk from Real(ish) People

We’ve had clients come to us after using TurboDebt, and let me tell you, the stories we’ve heard would make your hair curl. (Or straighten. Or maybe just fall out entirely.)

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Take Sarah, for example. (Not her real name, obvs. We’re all about that client confidentiality life.) Sarah was a 32-year-old graphic designer from Brooklyn with $45,000 in credit card debt from a failed startup. (Side note: who knew artisanal, hand-crafted emojis wouldn’t be the next big thing?) She tried TurboDebt and… well, let’s just say it didn’t go as planned.

“Sure, they settled some of my debt,” Sarah told us, “but my credit score tanked harder than the Knicks in playoffs. It’s been two years, and I still can’t get approved for a decent apartment rental. FML.”

On the flip side, we’ve had clients like Mike (again, not his real name) who had a better experience. “TurboDebt helped me knock out $30,000 in debt in 18 months,” he said. “But man, those fees were no joke. And don’t even get me started on the tax bill I got hit with afterward.”

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The Legal Lowdown

Now, we’re not saying TurboDebt is doing anything illegal. But there are some serious legal considerations you need to keep in mind. For starters, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (15 U.S.C. § 1692 et seq.) protects consumers from abusive debt collection practices. But here’s the kicker – when you stop paying your creditors as part of a debt settlement plan, you’re essentially inviting them to start collection efforts.

And let’s not forget about the Credit Repair Organizations Act (15 U.S.C. § 1679 et seq.). While TurboDebt isn’t technically a credit repair organization, some of their practices could potentially brush up against this law. It’s… complicated. (Like my relationship with carbs. It’s complicated.)

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So, What’s the Bottom Line?

Look, we’re not here to tell you what to do. (Okay, that’s a lie. We totally are. It’s kind of our job.) But if you’re considering TurboDebt, we strongly advise you to think long and hard about it. Like, longer and harder than I thought about whether to get bangs last year. (Spoiler alert: it was a mistake.)

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Instead of jumping into bed with TurboDebt (ew, gross, not literally), why not consider:

  • Negotiating with your creditors yourself (scary, we know, but it’s free!)
  • Looking into debt consolidation loans (boring, but effective?)
  • Talking to a credit counselor (they’re like therapists, but for your wallet)
  • Or, you know, maybe just winning the lottery. That’d solve everything, right?

If you’re really in over your head, give us a call at 212-300-5196. We’ve been doing this whole law thing for a while now, and we might be able to help you find a solution that doesn’t involve tanking your credit score or selling your firstborn child. (Just kidding. That’s illegal. We checked.)

Remember, folks – when it comes to your finances, there’s no such thing as a quick fix. Unless you’ve got a rich uncle who’s about to kick the bucket. (In which case, can we talk? Asking for a friend.)

Stay strong, keep hustling, and remember – there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Even if that light is just the glow of your phone screen as you obsessively check your bank balance at 2 AM. We’ve all been there, right? …Right?

P.S. If you’ve had experiences with TurboDebt – good, bad, or ugly – we’d love to hear about them! Drop us a line at We read them. Sometimes. When we’re not busy saving the world one debt case at a time.

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