Merchant Cash Advance Default: How to Identify and Fix Contractual Loopholes | Delancey Street


Delancey Street offers a money back guarantee for debt relief services, because we believe in delivering real results for businesses drowning in toxic merchant cash advance debt.


We are not NYC CRIMINAL ATTORNEYS. We are a DEDICATED team of professionals, helping businesses dealing with defaulted MCAs, notices of default, and impossible daily and weekly payments.

AS SEEN ON major media outlets – we’re recognized for our ability to reduce your overall debt and help you avoid going out of business.

Here’s the bottom line
Merchant Cash Advance agreements ALWAYS have hidden terms and endless penalties. They can cripple your business with no warning, lead to lawsuits, judgments, and even personal liability if you signed a personal guarantee. Either way, we understand many of these MCA contracts are filled with complicated clauses, which can blow up the minute you miss a payment. In some cases, the lender wants you to default – because they make more money that way with penalties, and other punitive fines.

Regardless of where you stand in your MCA default process, regardless of the situation, regardless of the stage – there might be a contractual loophole we can identify and fix. Because at Delancey Street, we can help you – we’ve settled 10’s of millions of dollars.


When you fail to make your MCA payments, the lender might immediately do any of the steps below:

  • File a Confession of Judgment (COJ) – letting freeze your bank accounts almost overnight.
  • Levy Your Accounts Receivable – get funds from clients and vendors.
  • Attach Liens to Business Assets – using the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) to seize your equipment or property.
  • Threaten Personal Assets – this is bad if you signed a personal guarantee, meaning your home or car might be fair game for a repossession by the lender.

These penalties often occur simultaneously. If the MCA is in fact a disguised “loan,” you could be facing an outrageous interest rate, which in some states might be considered usurious.


  1. Reconciliation Clauses
    If your MCA contract includes a “reconciliation” or “true-up” provision, the lender is supposed to adjust the withdrawals if your business has a dip in its revenue. One scenario is the merchant’s revenue goes down, but the MCA lender keeps withdrawing the same daily or weekly amount. If the MCA agreement requires an reconciliation adjustment but never gave you one, that’s a potential breach. It means the lender is in default of the agreement – and you can go after the lender for defaulting on the agreement.

  2. Excessive Default Penalties
    Some contracts tack on insane fees as soon as you miss the monthly payments. They might call them liquidated damages or penalty rates. Under the law, penalty clauses that aren’t tied to actual damages can be challenged. The SBA at has resources – if you read it, it can help you see if you were subjected to unfair or predatory terms.

  3. Ambiguous Language
    If the contract is filled with contradictory paragraphs and the daily payment schedule is impossible to follow, that ambiguity could be used against the lender. A well written contract should clearly define every party’s obligations. If not, it might be grounds to fix or dismantle the toxic clauses.

  4. Potential Usury
    Many MCA lenders say they’re “selling future receivables,” but in reality, if the agreement forces you to pay a fixed sum, with no real change on your revenue, courts might reclassify the MCA as a loan. This means the MCA contract loses the protections afforded it to it as an advance. If the interest rate crosses legal limits, it could be deemed usurious – especially in states with strict interest caps.


We bring a team of attorneys, negotiators, and business debt specialists who focus on the best possible outcome. One solution might be a business debt settlement program. Another scenario might be a merchant cash advance consolidation. Regardless of the game plan, we aim to minimize the total you owe.

When you join our program, we:

  • Review the MCA Contract First
    We identify every single hidden clause, examine how the “factor rate” is calculated, and find loopholes that might work to your advantage especially if you have to go to court.
  • Check for Contractual Violations The Lender Did
    If the MCA lender never adjusted your payments despite a stated “flexible repayment” clause, that’s a potential breach of the agreement, and it puts the MCA lender in defense. We can help you use that to negotiate or defend against them in court.
  • Challenge COJs or Penalties Imposed On You
    If you signed a COJ and the lender is trying to enforce it in a state that bans out-of-state confessions of judgment, we can help you.
  • Negotiate a Reduced Principal And Lower Factor
    In many situations, lenders will prefer a settlement which ensures they get something rather than litigation. We can often get them to lower the total amount – sometimes by 20-60%.
  • Prevent Business Shutdown And Bankruptcy
    We work to keep your bank accounts open, your receivables accessible, and your overall business functional. No lender wants you to file bankruptcy if it’s avoidable.

In short, it’s about using the law to expose and fix the flaws in the MCA contract, whether it’s by negotiation or by fighting back in court. We can help you avoid going out of business, or worse, losing your personal assets.


  • Identify ambiguous, contradictory, or missing clauses in your agreement
  • Invoke any relevant “reconciliation” or “contingency” terms that the lender didn’t abide by
  • Assess potential usury and excessive penalty issues which can be used for negotiation purposes
  • Challenge confessions of judgment that violate state laws, in order to release your assets
  • Negotiate or settle if it’s better than protracted litigation


We pride ourselves on being a DEDICATED group. We know the merchant cash advance landscape, the tactics of these MCA lenders, and the pushy collection calls they make. Our experience matters, our reputation matters, our results matter.

Delancey Street is here for you

Our team is available always to help you. Regardless of whether you need advice, or just want to run a scenario by us. We take pride in the fact our team loves working with our clients - and truly cares about their financial and mental wellbeing.

"Super fast, and super courteous, Delancey Street is amazing"
$500,000 MCA Restructured Over 3 Years
"Thanks for helping me in literally 24 hours"
$250,000 SBA Loan Offer in Compromise
"Great choice for business owners who need a trustworthy partner"
$350,000 MCA Restructured Over 2 Years

In The Media

Delancey Street CEO discusses ways to reward employees
Delancey Street CEO discusses the benefits of franchising on Forbes.
Delancey Street CEO discusses management on AMEX.
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