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Palisades Collection LLC Debt Collector Relief – Get Help Now

Dealing with debt collectors can be a nightmare; trust me, I get it. Those endless calls, letters, threats – it’s enough to drive anyone crazy. But here‘s the thing, you don’t have to face Palisades Collection LLC alone.At Spodek Law Group, we’re experts at shutting down abusive debt collectors and getting you the relief you deserve. We’ve helped countless clients break free from the harassment and get their lives back on track. So if Palisades is on your tail, we’ve got your back.

Who is Palisades Collection LLC?

Palisades Collection LLC is a debt buyer – which basically means they purchase old, defaulted debts for pennies on the dollar, then try to collect the full amount from consumers. Shady, right?These guys are based in New York and have been around since 1996. They‘re a major player in the debt collection game, with a reputation for being…well, let‘s just say they‘re not winning any “Collector of the Year” awards anytime soon.

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Common Palisades Collection Tactics

Palisades is known for using some pretty aggressive (and often illegal) tactics to try and squeeze money out of consumers. Here are a few of their greatest hits:

  • Endless calls at all hours, even after being told to stop
  • Threats of legal action, wage garnishment, etc. (even when they can’t legally follow through)
  • Harassment of friends, family members, and employers
  • Failing to provide proper debt validation
  • Trying to collect on debts that are past the statute of limitations

Sound familiar? If Palisades has been pulling any of these stunts, that‘s a major no-no. And we can help put a stop to it.

Your Rights Under the FDCPA

Here’s the deal – the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects consumers from abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt collection practices. Basically, it lays out some rules that debt collectors like Palisades have to follow.Some key things the FDCPA prohibits:

  • Contacting you before 8am or after 9pm
  • Using profane language or threats of violence
  • Discussing your debt with others without permission
  • Continuing to contact you after you’ve requested they stop (in writing)
  • Trying to collect more than you actually owe

If Palisades has violated any of these rules, they could be on the hook for damages – and we can help you file a lawsuit to get the compensation you deserve.This Quora thread has some good info on dealing with FDCPA violations too.

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 How We Can Assist with Palisades Collection

At Spodek Law Group, we’ve got a whole arsenal of legal strategies to take on Palisades and get them off your back. Just a few ways we can help:

  • Demanding debt validation and forcing them to prove the debt is legit
  • Negotiating to settle the debt for a fraction of what’s owed
  • Filing lawsuits for FDCPA violations and getting you compensated
  • Pushing back on attempts to “revive” expired debts
  • Getting a court order to stop the harassment once and for all

We’ve taken on Palisades many times before and know all their tricks. Our top-rated attorneys will fight tooth and nail to protect your rights and get you debt relief.And the best part? We offer free consultations, so you can get expert advice with zero risk or obligation. Just give us a call at 212-210-1851 and we’ll break down all your options.

Dealing with Debt Lawsuits

One of Palisades’ favorite tactics is filing lawsuits against consumers – even when the debt may not be legit or is past the statute of limitations. Shady, I know.If you‘ve been sued by Palisades, don‘t panic – but do take it seriously. Ignoring a debt lawsuit can lead to a default judgment, which gives the collector a lot of power (like garnishing wages or freezing bank accounts).The good news is, we know how to fight these lawsuits and get them dismissed. We’ll comb through all the paperwork, poke holes in their evidence, and build a strong defense strategy. Some common defenses we use:

  • Lack of proper documentation/debt validation
  • Statute of limitations has expired
  • Mistaken identity or case of debt re-aging
  • Violations of debt collection laws

We’ve beaten Palisades in court many times before – just check out these case results for proof. Having an experienced debt defense lawyer in your corner can make all the difference.

Sample Palisades Settlement Letters

Sometimes the best approach is simply negotiating a reasonable settlement to make that pesky debt go away once and for all. Our attorneys are masters at crafting settlement letters that get Palisades to back down.Here’s an example of what one might look like:

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Dear Palisades Collection LLC,I am writing regarding the alleged debt of $5,782 that you have been attempting to collect from me. After reviewing my records and consulting with legal counsel, I have serious doubts about the validity and enforceability of this debt.First, you have failed to provide adequate documentation proving that I am the rightful owner of this debt or that the amount claimed is accurate. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act requires debt collectors to provide such validation upon request, which I am now formally making.Secondly, based on the information I have, it appears this debt may be past the applicable statute of limitations period in my state. As you know, attempting to collect on a time-barred debt can open you up to liability under the FDCPA.In the interest of resolving this matter amicably, I am offering to settle this alleged debt for $1,200 as a one-time payment in full. This represents a significant discount and should negate any need for further legal action on either side.Please respond within 14 days if you wish to accept this settlement offer. If I do not receive a response, I will be forced to escalate by filing complaints with the relevant consumer protection agencies and pursuing potential FDCPA claims in court.I look forward to your prompt reply and resolution of this matter.Sincerely,
> [Your Nam

See how that works? Firm but professional, laying out the issues with their case while extending a reasonable settlement offer. Nine times out of ten, Palisades will take the deal to avoid a potentially costly legal battle.And if they refuse to play ball? Then it’s time for the big guns – aka us, your friendly neighborhood debt defense lawyers. We‘ll take it from there.

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